Here is an updated comparison on NeoBux vs CF Elite:
- NeoBux have more ways to earn (PTC, referrals, etc.) while CF Elite way to earn is doing CF task (only)
- NeoBux pay less then CF Elite for task
- NeoBux give bonus for task, CF Elite don't.
- NeoBux have some fee for withdraw which CF Elite don't.
- NeoBux pay instantly when requested, CF Elite pays weekly
- NeoBux pay with PayZa, Skrill and Netteler while CF Elite pay with PayPal (only)
- NeoBux have stats in graph, table etc. while CF Elite don't (only have history in table)
There you go, two new thing I compare in this post are in bold.
After this post, it may take some time to another post. Well, there are no daily stats in CF elite so there are no update about it. However, Payment Proof (on the right column of this blog) will always be updated whenever I got a new payment.
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