Selasa, 25 Juli 2017

No More PayPal on NeoBux

There is a bad news for PayPal user in NeoBux.
On July 14th, 2017 PayPal have chosen to discontinue service with NeoBux.
You may already know if you are a NeoBux member but here is the link to the news (NeoBux forum) if you have not. So, there are only 3 Payment Processor NeoBux have (Skrill, Payza and Netteler).

Lucky, I have withdraw all my money from NeoBux on July 7th, 2017 (Check the latest payment on the right column in this blog). I love NeoBux instant payment. Maybe, NeoBux is the only PTC which pay instantly when I request. However, without PayPal it is harder for me to get the money from the Payment Processor to my bank account. Everyone love 'hard cold cash', right?
Ex: Payza dont support withdrawing to bank account (Indonesia). I dont know about Skrill and Netteler but most user from my country is using third party exchanger which is risky and their exchange rate is outrageous.
With PayPal, I can withdraw to my bank account in 3-5 days after request without fee so I can use it for my daily needs. The exchange rate is also quite good.

Starting July 19th, 2017 I move my CrowdFlower tasking to CrowdFlower Elite. After a few days doing task, I withdraw $10 just to test and it is pending for 2 days now. I will update later in the latest payment section on the right of my blog in case I receive it on my PayPal.

That's it for now.

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